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Hello Patrons!

As announced in our previous post, we are currently visiting Anime Expo at the moment and we plan to host several panels.

We've been checking out the comments on our announcement on social media, and we're aware that there's some disappointment going along with how some of our panel is being handled. More specifically the GEEKBOAT one...

Our intention for this panel was to be unticketed and low key as possible. We were hoping the keenest of our fans to catch on and hopefully stop by to hang out with us for some nerdy and dumb conversation. 

We've made it clear several times that we had no interest in having this panel announced publicly, and subtle at best if it had to be. Not to be promoted as some insanely exclusive event...

What came to be is something far from what we've hoped for with tickets being reserved in seconds.

So, what we're looking into doing is possibly sneaking several patrons into out panel. If you are a patron member currently attending Anime Expo, stop by 10 minutes before our GEEKBOAT panel starts at room 409 AB, and we will try to sneak you in as an "acquaintance" of ours.

We will of course have to check if you are an on-going Patreon member or not so we will require proof via the Patreon application on your phone.

On top of this, we'd like to experiment with utilizing our Patreon/Discord with these live events so we'd like trial a "In-person autograph" tiers. We will be preparing 10 units of autograph and seats for our GEEKBOAT panel.

These are planned to go live on 7/1 midnight 0:00 PDT

*We will be letting a maximum of 20 Patron members (In-person autograph tier excluded) for the panel.

*The autograph for the "In-person autograph tier" will be provided at the end of the panel.

*Please understand that any of the details above may change at a moments notice due to the experimental nature.



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