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Hello Everyone!

Just a friendly reminder for the live stream tomorrow with Shigeto Koyama! This will be our first "how-to" stream so don't miss out if you're interested in the more technical aspect of our work!
As usual, if you're a member of our Patreon, please utilize our Discord channel to ask away questions during the stream!

Original post

Featuring creator: Shigeto Koyama (designer), Hiromi Wakabayashi (producer)
Twitch URL: https://www.twitch.tv/studio_trigger
Time and date: 10/16/2020 16:00 JST






Hey Studio Trigger! In your next live stream, can you discuss the racist portrayal of black people in anime. We, black people overseas, are really disappointed by what we see in anime. We like anime too and it would be nice to see more positive images of people like us in works. It would be nice if someone over there starts the conversation and begins fixing the issues. Of course, you'd have to do some research to discuss such a sensitive topic, but it's a topic worth discussing. Thanks.