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Hello Patrons!

Hope everyone is excited for tomorrow's live drawing!
For those who missed the announcement, we will be having Hiroyuki Imaishi for our stream tomorrow!
More information can be found here.

Although we will not be taking a vote for this upcoming stream, we will be answering several questions from our patrons like usual!

Featuring creator: Hiroyuki Imaishi (Director//Animator), Hiromi Wakabayashi (producer) Featured title and character: PROMARE
Twitch URL: https://www.twitch.tv/studio_trigger
Time and date: 12/25/2019 17:00 JST   

*If you see a similar question asked by another member, simply upvote the comment as we are more likely to prioritize inquiry with more upvotes!



What is the romantic status of Lio and Galo's relationship at the end of the film? Are they in a romantic relationship?

Mary Borsellino

Is Remy's girlfriend still an alligator?


In the second half of the movie when Kray said the communication is cut by the attack of the robot, is he lying or?


How do you pronounce "Promare"? (I mean, which is the correct international pronunciation?) And: What is the origin of the name "promare"?


Two questions, actually, more or less on the same theme: - Who decided to make Promare an All audience movie? Trigger or the producer(s), and was it in order to reach the broader audience possible? - Do you think that something like Dead Leaves could be produced nowadays? (I'll never watch Gurenn Lagan the same way...) Sorry, a last one: - there seems to be an "american cartoon-ish" influence in some animation cuts, what are your favourite ones/favourite american animators?


Haha, good one! In France a lot of people still pronounce it "Promaré" (プロマレー, if you read katakanas)


Imaishi-san, all of your animation has an incredible energy to it, what inspires you or gets you into the headspace to bring that energy forward in your work?


It’s been mentioned previously that Imaishi-san is very fond of Vulcan and had many storyboards for scenes involving that character that had to be cut from the film since there was so much (like more of the Ignis vs Vulcan fight). What were some scenarios of those scenes involving Vulcan that Imaishi-san wished he could have added to the film?


I am in love with Imaishi's pencil drawings, they have so much energy. Do you find yourself having to re-draw the line work until you get it just right, or do you draw more spontaneously? What are the steps it usually takes to finish one of the drawings found in your self-published art books?


How do you decide on a pose to draw? What goes through your head when coming up with one?


Could you talk about Yoshinori Kanada-san and how his animation influenced your own style?


Since Imaishi-san mainly directs TV Anime, was it easier or harder for him to direct a movie like Promare? Does he prefer directing an anime in a weekly episodic format or in a single movie release? Also, I look forward when IBC03 is published. I really enjoy Imaishi-san's manga that he published in the 90s.


First of all I need to thank you! Your work is and will always be a great inspiraion for me and was my reason for starting to work as an artist to begin with. Thank you! Now for the question: Your shows always work with really weird and over-the-top szenarios, so I'd like to ask how you start working on them. Do you start with a general story idea or just with concepts or strange gimmics you'd like to work with? Or is it a mix of both? Thanks again for doing all of this! Have a wonderful christmas time!


Who are imaishi and wakabayashi's favorite characters in promare?


Will we ever see more backstory of Lio's childhood and how he came to embrace his burnish powers? Also thank you for this amazingly powerful movie. <3


How are the Promare characters celebrating Christmas and what are they getting for gifts? Did Lio and Galo exchange gifts? Happy Holidays and thank you for Promare! I saw it 3 times!

Taylor Byias

For everyone: With the decade coming to an end, and a new one on the horizon, what are your favorite projects(can be either yours or another’s) from this decade and what do you expect the new decade to bring to the Anime industry? Thank you!!!


How do you usually celebrate Christmas? Or is New Year's a bigger celebration?


If you had the opportunity, would you make a short story explaining Kray's backstory and his mental turmoil?


Are you going to visit the Promare American Diner?


A couple of non-patron friends also had burning questions that I hope will be okay to pass on: Since Kray is also one of Imaishi-san's favorite characters, how do Imaishi-san and Wakabayashi-san think Kray feels about himself? [SPOILERS] Does Kray view his becoming a Burnish as a personal failing or does he simply hate them (and maybe therefore himself)? Or does Kray see the Burnish as a tool to satisfy a potential Messiah complex? [END SPOILERS] What led to the decision for NYC to be a major reference for the city of Promepolis? Have staff come up with more "GEEKBOAT" universe PROMARE ideas that they can share? A lot of people are very curious about how the Mad Burnish live and move on after the end of the movie. Thank you very much.


Question for imaishi: in another stream waka said you personally review applicants with potential before they are hired. What do you look for in applicants, especially for positions besides animators like enshutsu and PA?


These are great questions! Would love to learn more from these!


I know imaishi is a big fan of dezaki osamu’s work, Lio’s character design is very similar to asaka rei or Hana no Saint-Juste sama from the anime onii-sama e. Was he an inspiration?


(1) Will there be any official Promare art/illustration books? (2) How much input did they give Sawano-san for Promare's theme songs (INFERNO, ASHES, etc)? Did they come up with tune first or lyrics first?

James Marshall

Why are so many characters in Promare named after Greek and Latin words? What was the inspiration for that?


Meis and Gueira seem to have a long history with each other. Were those two characters going to be filled out more in the initial drafts and were cut due to the limitations of the movie's length? If so what did we miss?




Will you ever create a spin off manga or anime about Lio's early past? Like a story of his early aristocratic childhood to how he became a Burnish...

