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Hello Patrons!

Apologies for the long silence. As the title states, we would like to follow up on the vote results from our previous post, and announce some details regarding our next live drawing session.

Regarding the Live Drawing

With the studio in full throttle with the production of PROMARE, it is becoming harder by the day to find some free time with our animator to conduct the live drawing. I'm afraid we might not be able to conduct a session with our animators until PROMARE is finished at this rate... 

I also feel that's a bit cruel for our supporters so I thought we can make a small exception just this once, and invite Mago to conduct our next live drawing session.

While Mago is not the studio's employee, she is a creator that we like to work with frequently, and is also the character design for Space Patrol Luluco and our mascot characters.

We hope to schedule this drawing session in mid February, and the voting poll with finer details will be provided later this week.

Regarding the vote results and questions
(the poll and post can be found here)

I would like to first thank everyone who've participated and provided a feedback!
I believe we would like to go forth with the digital artbook for the shikishi, and I'll start looking for possible platforms!

Now for the questions and feedbacks!

Maximilian Gottselig

I think digital is one thing, but we all love physical things we can collect. Like a printed artbook, original shikishi and so on. I wouldn't mind spending more money for this.

The short answer to this will be, it's going to be difficult...
We all prefer physical over digital, and I'm no different. If possible, I'd like to make physical versions available to our supporters as well. While there's a multitude of reasons why we would like to avoid this, the biggest factor has to be the shipping and logistic expense. If you've purchased anything from our global store in the past, you'd probably know that the shipping cost is absurd. You'd be paying more for the shipment than the actual product, and that doesn't really benefit either parties.


I would be willing to pay for a higher tier around 7-10 dollars if it meant being entered into a raffle to possibly receive a physical Shikishi on a postcard or something. I understand this might not be possible currently, but in the future it would be neat. 

One of my first idea was to actually provide these shikishi as a random gift to our patrons. However, due to the policy with Patreon (quoted below), we cannot conduct any form of raffle as part of a reward.

"Everybody loves the thrill of winning something, that is just part of our nature. In the past, we used to allow raffles but we have recently decided to take a stronger stance against reward tiers and goals that involve any kinds of giveaway.

We decided that this approach was the best moving forward if we want to comply with gambling regulations. We understand that your own state or country might have different legislation, but as a global company we want to make sure that creators can safely offer similar rewards to all of their patrons without being at risk of breaking the law."


We can technically make them available for first come first served basis, but I believe that this can potentially lead to some issues if not executed in a fair manner (both internally and externally). 

Since some of these shikishi's are too good to let it collect dust in our inventory, I do want to continue and pursuit if we can make any use of them in the future.

Martin Lukas

how about a little webseries where creatives from the patreons can participate? something with more easy animations like inferno cop. in other words a cooperation with your supporters this would be the next step after "our" success with lwa. I would deliver a concept :-)

Definitely possible if the requested quality is Inferno Cop. However, it's questionable if the majority of our supporter will be satisfied with that. I guess we can take a vote if there's enough interest.



if I could draw something and it was used in a trigger short that would be so hype


The character designer for Luluco and the Trigger Girls? Sounds good to me! :D Just recently found my “Art of Trigger” Luluco book after forgetting I owned it, it has been great to look through.


Well I still can only speak for myself, but I would even pay the absurd shipping costs if it means to receive something physical and support one of my favorite studio.


Patreon/collaborative webseries sounds hilarous and great. It would be really cool to see that. We're basically all here because we love Trigger animation, so if something like a collaborative webseries were feasible I think that would be a really great project. I think most everybody would be interested in that.


fond of her makoto sawamura but not triggers character but she has luluko!


I think there were a lot of posts about more behind the scenes content and interviews and things though, I wish there was some of that here


Inferno Cop is high quality for a web comic...haha


> We all prefer physical over digital, and I'm no different. I actually prefer digital but I want _high resolution_ digital. I'd happily pay extra (even higher than the physical cost) to get the shikishiki or artbook in high resolution digital form.

Crazy Sticks

Oh man, I'd absolutely love to see Mago! I love her artwork!


What do you mean we wouldn't be satisfied with somethign of Inferno Cop's quality? Are you implying inferno cop was bad? Tattun I swear to god imma find you and force you to bingewatch the show again, because shit's amazing and I totally wouldn't mind more like it.


I really like Martin Lukas idea with the webseries, would be cool to see things like that.

Optimus Praino

I'm one of many supporters that loves Trigger and has some animation skills. If the chance to collaborate in any way opens up I'm definitely happy to contribute!


Dear Studio Trigger, Tahnk you very much for the update. I do hope i am not to late for the party i mean to make a comment here ^^ First of all call me uninformed but you i ve read you have a global store? With worldwirde shipping? *clicks on the link* oh tey have the art book i was looking for so long O_O But yes shipping fees are high and i have bought enough stuff from Japan knowing this and yet getting an item which is 8000km away delivered to your doorstep one msut admit that the costs are reasonable. I usually regroup several items i'm interested in to save shipping costs which can be done by proxy buying services like Otsukai if someone is intrerested.


That aside, about the actual content of the update. I could imagine purchasing a physical Shikishi artbook from your global store easily enough. As for getting the Shikishi's themselves a first come first served tier would be better then getting nothing at all. Of course you could make the payement wall quite high too. I have seen Shikishi as part of Kick- errr i mean other crowd funding campaigns starting from 800 dollars upwards. That is something i would do only if i ever get rich and win in a lottery but the price itself is resaonable for a personalized on demand shikishi. That of course only if you would be interested in these sort of things. A more affordable idea would be printed versions of some shikishis as a new tier. I could imagine a poll where this community could pick some of there favorites and then you print a fixed numer of them making them available for a more reasonable price. Even though i would love to have an original shikishi of one of my favorite artists this is just me being greedy here. In the end i love just being here and supporting one of my favorite studios and of course seeing the people i love doing what they do best and for what i admire them :)


I'm an artist who'd love to participate in the web series proposed by Martin Lukas.