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I'm jumping the gun a bit since I have to run out soon, but I think it's safe to say that KILL la KILL won this round. The total tally dwarfs the 2nd highest by a considerable margin...

For the 2nd portion of the poll, I'll be setting the deadline to Monday, so we can hopefully get things moving a bit faster.
I also understand that the list of characters is not full, so if there's a strong demand for a particular character, please leave a comment. If the comment receives enough heart marks, we can count that towards the poll as well.

For the important announcement/updates
I would like to first apologies for doing a poor job with keeping the initially promised schedule. The initial plan was to provide a live drawing session every month. However, with so many validations and confirmation protocols (and many other factors) to go through, I'm afraid that a static schedule is difficult to provide. Hopefully with experience the interval between each event will become shorter.

On the brighter side, I've promised that I should be able to provide a decently detailed breakdown of how the collected fund is being utilized. I'm sure that the biggest concern is the uncertainty of whether the fund is properly being distributed to our creative staffs. While I do not have the approval to disclose the information just yet, I'm able to provide a small snap of the "thank you" illustration I've gathered from our staffs.

Each and every staff that provided these small shikishi (post card illustration) will/have received a portion of the collected fund.
I've received about 30 or so of these cards, so I'll be providing a better quality of the photo at a later date.

Edit1: I forgot to remove the sleeves for one of the illustration.



It’s alright! You guys take all the time you need xD


Can't wait for the next stream!


So glad the money is going to the staff :)


I hope Nonon wins


Why is there no Mako's Mother in the pool

Ricardo Ovando

hey relax man, i can not imagine how new and foreign this must be to a japanese company, as long as this it's helping you, take your time.


Take however much time you need guys. Your live streams are worth the wait.

Ashley Mason

As much as I love Mako, Ryuko, Jakuzure, always need more Ragyo!! OöO


I'm gonna be the rebel and say you should include Hououmaru


It’s gotta be best girl Nonon this time.


Gamagoori, my husbando plz


C'mon, give best boy Tsumugu a chance to shine like Mikisugi's glorious pink flashes!

Pennesi Diego

GO MAKO! ( ̄`Д´ ̄)9


Take your time. Ganbate koudadai!

Oberon's Paradox

Jakuzure Nonon in Symphony Regalia Finale form!


Will the shikishi drawings be raffled off to Patreons?


Hoping for Nonon but I guess Matoi will win this one


Is it possible for Gridman characters to be featured in one of these polls in the future? Like, is there anyway to convince Tsuburaya to allow you guys to draw those characters here.


No love for my man Tsumugu. Shame...


I'm gonna say don't worry so much about how the money is being spent. We're backing Trigger because we love Trigger, not because we have to know how every dollar is being spent. $5 a month is cheaper than a cup of coffee in some cities. Please don't feel pressured to do all of this.

Nate Robertson

Satsuki is love. Satsuki is life. Satsuki is wife.


Ryuko :3


I was wondering if this Patreon was worth it up until now but these cards just upped the rewards to more than satisfactory levels, I'm using other Patreons for comparison.


I am a simple man, I see Nui, I vote.


the shikishi drawings are so cute!


I'll be scanning them when I have more time.


Gonna play "armchair psychologist" here and conclude that the poll results were influenced by what we got from the first stream: A static image of Akko. Under the reasonable assumption that we will receive more static images in the future with nothing going on people voted for the character that would best fit that format, congrats to Ryuko fans for the victory its my sincere hope that she isn't just standing there in the sketch.


I propose a truce, and have the poll end with multiple characters of the same votes. In this case, Ryuko, Satsuki, Mako and Jakuzure. I think even Trigger would be impressed that 3000 people can work together.


While I'm not too picky about static poses, I do agree with you in wanting a pic with dynamic poses/angles. I know the capability is there and all it takes is to just set up a dynamic pose in the initial sketching phase. I just kinda figured this is just a warm-up thing. If all else, we can just voice our comments to the staff running the Patreon.


Where is Gatsu, best doggo?