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Sorry for the wait! A temporary version of the live drawing is now available for view on our Youtube page!

As stated in our previous update, we've uploaded several versions of the live drawing so if you guys can let us know which works best, it'd be awsome!
The footage can be found in the link below.

*We plan to upload on Twitch as well, but we've been running into some errors. Hopefully we can figure out what we're doing wrong soon...

I initially wanted something a little bit more refined, but it's been a busy week for our staffs with our initial reveal trailer for PROMARE. Although I do hope to replace these temporary place holders in the future (Proper credits, perhaps a music, etc) hopefully these will work for now.

We would also like to announce details regarding our next drawing session and many more soon, but we're quite behind the intended schedule. My apologies.

Edit 1: The youtube videos are being uploaded as I write this comment. Please give it an hour or so for all the footage to be uploaded.

Edit 2: The full length version is being uploaded as well! Please give the internet some time to upload.



Good Job!!! Thanks for taking time out of where there is not (sorry for the google english :p)


Thanks guys :)


thx! and that promare trailer gives me a goosebumb! gurren luggan feels qwq




Keep your focus on the anime, that's why I'm supporting you at least ;)


This is wonderful. Thank you!


I was hoping there would also be you guys answering questions? I would really love to be able to watch all of that since I only got to watch around 30 min of it and it was very interesting to hear you answer questions!