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Hello Patrons!

I am well aware that many of you are requesting for VOD function to be available for future streaming. Today I would like to explain why we had to disable the function for our initial stream.

The original intention for the Live drawing/Q&A session was to bring our panel experience (from various anime convention) to a more broader audience. These panel events are usually closed off in an exclusive environment, providing us with more flexibility to be vocal and handle disclosed contents and assets if anything slips away by accident.

Now, whether or not such materials were covered in the stream,  the plan was to keep no records of the actual stream, and upload an edited version of the live drawing itself for those who missed the stream. (Sadly, I have to abide by the rules provided to keep this project alive.)
**The edited live drawing footage is currently being worked on! Please provide us a few days!**

For future streaming, I suppose we have the option to keep the current method, or to shift to a prescreened questions only and hopefully have VOD available.



Exactly, unfortunately I have to agree with this. This Is Just the dilemma of the times we live in. Everything will be recorded posted someone


I understand your concern, but would you consider also including part of the Q&A session in the edited version? Maybe you can pick a few nonsensitive questions for the people who missed it. Anyway I will keep supporting you and thank you for all the great anime you created.


Wouldn't it make sense to upload the full VODs as unlisted videos on YouTube, and link them on Patreon so supporters can at least get VODs? I missed the event, and will have to find a bootleg re-upload to watch the content I missed.


I fully understand where you're coming from, but I think it'd be nice if you could make the VOD available for patrons. I'm sure there's plenty patrons who would've loved to been there live but couldn't because of timezones or something else who would like to see the full version.


I understand why you don't want to keep VOD's and at the end of the day do what is best for business, but a temporary VOD for Patrons would be nice. They last stream happened at midnight my time and I had to be to work early that day so I couldn't watch it live. Not saying you need to change the time you do it at, but a temporary VOD would be nice for people who can't catch it for whatever reason. As short as 24 hours could work.


"The original intention for the Live drawing/Q&A session was to bring our panel experience (from various anime convention) to a more broader audience." Then why not have the vod available for those who can't make it (to the anime con/stream) and for those who are sleeping while the stream is going (i.e North America, excluding Alaska and Hawaii as its early for them). This isn't an anime con its a live streamable q&a session where anyone can view it. Its not like you are showing people a super exclusive test film and want to edit that part out, which I can understand, but not allowing vods afterwards especially when we (if you so choose) to see the chat's reaction to the answers is just wrong. I also agree with some people here to have the unedited version available to patreon supporters as they're the ones who support this, in reality that isn't gonna happen as someone is gonna post it anyway. The prescreened questions is better (hopefully also prescreened twitch chat questions too), as what Onan said and hopefully we can see the vod, in full, on twitch as intended if that's the route you wanna go. P.S. Love you guys.


this is sad when some patron lives on the other side of the world and missed the stream


This really sucks. You guys stream at like 1am in my time zone, and I just can’t watch at that time. I’ve got to get decent sleep so I can go to classes on time and I can’t do that if I stay up super late to watch you stream. I hope you’ll reconsider.


I suggest releasing the VOD for patrons to view/download through Gumroad (artists already do this for video process footage/tutorials). It's already going to be unofficially recorded and reuploaded somewhere just by being streamed on the internet without fail, so this seems the best avenue to me. Personally, I don't think I'll ever be able to make it to an actual live stream since it doesn't begin until 3am in my time zone.


Could we at least get the full drawing demo? I personally don’t mind if parts of the Q&A are muted for NDA reasons.


That's really disappointing :( It was around 3am where I lived and I couldn't skip work/sleep to watch, but I really wanted to see it made.

Wendell Hong

It did feel like a convention panel Q&A. I can't make it to a lot of conventions but, as long as I'm given at least a week ahead of time warning I can usual tune in to most of the live streams. An edited version version uploaded later is fine with me.


Upload it to YouTube if you can <3


YouTube link would be awesome <3