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Will be animated!



Simone Bengtsson

Have you given up on Heather's Nightmares? Haven't seen any posts on that since the dinosaur age.

Mike Jones

are you done making vr content?


Hell no! My PC sometimes does not manage to render both 2D and VR versions. But one more VR animation is already done (will be released tomorrow I think) and others is cooking! And of course Karlach animation will be in VR as well, but a bit later after 2D version.


Nope, but, yeah, my fault. Few weeks ago I started to work on it a way more then before, but those scenes still is not finished and nothing to show right now.

Mike Jones

Are you possibly able to put VR in the title or linkvwhen you post them? I think ice been missing them bc I assume they are 2D :(


I always adding "+ VR" in the end of title + I have tag "VR". If it will be easier to notice I can put "2D" or "VR" in the begin of title.


Thoughts on doing more Karlach?