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Ok, while I making next update you can choose next monster for game:



Can I play android phone...?


top 3 picks for me would b sw, licker, nemesis in that order :)


hoping to eventually see chapter 2 of ur game, but doesnt look any1 with cash knows about u or gives a dam :/ (im 1 of the ppl without cash otherwise mayb id save up and donate 300-900 all at once, tho thatd probably break my bank for 6-12 months b4 id b able to do it again if i was able get that much to spare) tho i will give 10+ per month in 2018 january :) or next january :/


I will definitely finish what I promised but then will make something more simple than that game. I don't have enough donation, so I take more non-porn projects and have less time for this. People making less donation, I have less time, it's like a damn vicious circle.