Patreon Currency update (Patreon)
hello everyone this is just a patreon update so im going to be changing the currency on patreon to AUD rather than USD (for tax reasons my accountant was like please make all ur stuff AUD) so going forward the price of the tiers are gonna be set in AUD. (approx. for 2USD is like 3 aud and 5 USD is 7 aud coz aud exchange rate can suck it) thats the approximate conversion anyway. i think australian users that changes nothing and for US i think that changes nothing either but coz of the different exchange rates i think it might actually be cheaper now for some currencies when converting to 7aud instead of 5usd.
i prob should have started with aud from the start oops- sorry tax man.
hopefully this doesnt have too much of an impact but please do let me know if you have any complaints about the change to aud . there shouldnt be much of an impact i think.
thanks everyone! (and thanks patreon for the sneaky 2.5% currency conversion fees : ^) very nice (sarcasm))