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Hello everyone! Just wanted to give an update on the BoKatan animation. I spent today working on it and have made some significant progress! I'll post a video update soon!
 Also, I'm STILL rendering out the scarlet witch fortnite animation in 4K which will be released for the Eldritch Zealot tier. The reason it's taking so long is because the particle hair, once imported into blender really slows things down! I've been working on ways to work around this because it's taking about 5 minutes PER FRAME to render this at 600 samples which, for 500 frame animation sequence (you do the math) takes a long ass time. The good news is that I've been learning how to render in houdini, which uses a different render engine than blender.
 For those of you who've been following me for a while now, I make my particle hair in houdini just because hair physics use a cloth based simulation and for anything simulation related, houdini really is the way to go. I'll share some updates of test renders I've done working with karma (houdini's render engine).

As always, thank you for all your support!



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