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Hello again to my supporters. As it may be apparent to you this patreon page of mine is in it's infancy. As I continue to develop the page, I would very much appreciate hearing some feedback from you guys as your support is very valuable to me! I would love to hear some comments on:

- how you are liking the page

-are the links to mega working for you?

-maybe some content ideas? (what would you like to see more of)

I only ask that you keep your comments positive and friendly :)




The links work perfectly on mobile and Pc


Unfortunately the links will not work for me 🙁


Hi there! None of the links work for you? If you would like, you can private message me your email address and we can work out a way for me to get you the video files :)


Also, have you tried the download option after clicking the link? For me the video player on the website doesnt work but the download works just fine.