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Never trust ANYONE to put lotion on your back...or wake you up if you fall asleep on the beach -_-




Is this based on real events?


Lol!!! Men!!


Could've been worse 🤣


Bahahah, good ol' dick burn. Classic.


Shouldn’t we be nurturing Jeff’s talent and creativity?

Michael H

A little tease of butt crack peeking out over clothes is the hottest thing 😩 Besides a burn from the sun


its hard to get that sort of line definition - if anything you should be proud of his detail work

Ramsey Haddad

Bawahhahahaha wow the betrayal of a loved one, I hate sun burn on the back can’t sleep right till it goes away

Ramsey Haddad

Bawahhahahaha wow the betrayal of a loved one, I hate sun burn on the back can’t sleep right till it goes away

Zap Blast (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-10 00:43:01 idk why but this post made me think of this fuckin weird YT video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUwlaKFZ14E&ab_channel=JeffHorger
2023-06-09 19:28:51 idk why but this post made me think of this fuckin weird YT video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUwlaKFZ14E&ab_channel=JeffHorger

idk why but this post made me think of this fuckin weird YT video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUwlaKFZ14E&ab_channel=JeffHorger

Andrew McCormick

HAHA.. amazing.. your sense of humor is awesome