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Only the very elite get to see this puppy before it's posted next week *adjusts monocle* 



Ramsey Haddad

My cats when they get outside and start meowing at me to come pick them up and bring them back inside lol


They’re desert critters! They do not like the cold sand!


That's a very feline looking "puppy"!

Beau C

Never stop never stopping 🔥


Reminds me of my sister's cat. He would bolt for the door every chance he got until one day he ran through it and body slammed head first into a foot of fresh snow.


That was me attempting to walk to the grocery store last weekend lol. Good ol' Canadian blizzards 🥶


Meanwhile in Texas, our society falls apart when it snows :(


Heaven help us if even a little bit of ice is on the roads. Metroplex shut down..but hey, it gives me some time off from working outside. So nice!


It's amazing to me how many places actually shut down from snow. Everyone here is expected to carry on as normal in like a foot of snow lol


They may lay down some "de-icing" solution, but its nothing more than just sand and maybe a brine? No snow plows outside DFW airport. And then only on some highways and definitely not side streets. Just stay home and wait it out.

El Teacher

I come from Mexico. What is that white thing the cat doesn't like. Is it flour?


I love the selective bravery of cats.