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Is anyone else guilty of doing this?? I mean, normally I'm pretty responsible, but I definitely put off doing laundry until the last minute, and end up having to wear my worst clothes...or my birthday suit :O

Here's a little video for you! 




I have a question. What's the kinkiest thing you've done in public?

Scott Lee Thompson

PLEEEASE stop cutting your feet offffff! LOL!


I’m ded😵


Not me getting this notification while literally 3 baskets sit full on my bed Hot as always too🥵


Why not both. 🤪

Kayla Neumann

Birthday suit is technically still a suit 🤔but laundry sucks and I agree folding is the worst. 😓 Nice sign by way you wear it well!😉🔥


While I absolutely do not mind Ms pizza in her birthday suit I have a terrible curiosity what your worst clothes look like!


That hint of tummy in the first pic driving me crazy


I'm thinking you're looking pretty damn good in your birthday suit 😉


Voting for the second!

Ramsey Haddad

Agrees with (please see comments above 👆)


Where is the poll, we want to vote 😉


That basket will not be getting folded I will suffer through wrinkled shirts before I fold laundry right after I just finished it

El Teacher

I do not mind hanging out with you while your laundry is done. I love the video, by the way! A smile from a cute, sexy woman wearing nothing at all has a way to make me weak in the knees.


I'm not quite sure you did your laundry after you took the pictures 😁


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Naked all the days!

Alex C

Never have I ever wanted a sign gone SO badly.


I think it takes more effort to time it so you run out of clean clothes when the kids are our and your partner is home. I applaud you on your skills.


Maybe one day down the road, you'll your way to doing joi's and you can tell us exactly how we should "enjoy" it 💗


Sexy and funny!? Dang, I've been missing out!