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I have some very exciting news!! We have a new member of our family: Jade the 24-toed tabby! Jade came to our doorstep one night, meowing for attention and care. She was rail thin, weak, and covered in scabs. 

After feeding her for several months and building her a shelter outside, I fell in love with this adorable, grey kitty. We tracked down her owners and they explained they were unable to keep her anymore. I couldn't bear to think about her just left outside to fend for herself, so I asked if we could adopt her...and they said YES! 

We just got back from the vet today with a clean bill of health and some treatments. Now little Jade is snoozing peacefully in my bedroom closet on my old parka. What a day!

Jade will make her official debut in the comics later this month <3



Jason Fowler

That's so sweet. It's wonderful of you to open your home like that to an animal in need.


Looking forward to epic strips of Jade+Honey epic battles