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Mercy is learning new techniques to heal wounded and will soon put them into practice

learn a little more about the character, BIO in comments...




Overview Mercy’s Valkyrie Suit helps keep her close to teammates like a guardian angel; healing, resurrecting or strengthening them with the beams emanating from her


Strategy Mercy is the most healing-oriented for the Support heroes. While not as powerful a team healer as other Support heroes (such as Ana and Baptiste), Mercy excels at single-target or "pocket" support. Her ability to boost the damage of her team makes her crucial for barrier-breaking and focused damage. Ability-mercy5.png Resurrect allows Mercy to compensate for an occasional mistake by her team, bringing an important member back into the fight. Mercy is easily the most team-dependent of the Support, as her personal damage is quite weak, her only mobility relies on her teammates, and the powerful effect of Ability-mercy5.png Resurrect makes her a priority for the enemy team.