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Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing well!
(Apologies for the super long post but there were a lot of things I needed to say lol, there's a TL;DR at the end haha)

I just want to quickly preface this by saying there are still going to be monthly uploads on my patron, whether it is several smaller uploads through-out the month, or one or two bigger uploads.
So don't worry! I am dedicated to making sure you are getting content worth your pledge, which I am so grateful for. 

I made a monthly schedule last year for RM as both a test for myself and to make sure my patreon was kept updated on a regular schedule.
While working to this schedule was possible for me, I realized pretty quickly that it was causing a few issues.

Mainly, even though I work everyday, one month is just not enough time for me to make an update that I feel is robust enough and to the quality that I want my work to be at.
It just isn't enough time for me to learn the new skills I need to add more in-depth and cooler stuff to the mod and that is really limiting me with what I can add, because if I decide to add something I've never done before and it fails, then I've lost days of development time that could have been spent adding other stuff. 

On the same note, I was lucky enough that the support you guys give me actually meant that patreon became my fulltime income late last year, and I take that very seriously.
As I said before, I do work every single day because I really love doing this, but the short development time has meant I have little to no downtime between RM updates.
The burn-out from this was huge, and it meant the updates that I was so incredibly excited to make currently just seem like a huge task that I am dreading.
I will be excited for them again, just when I am not so burnt out. 

(...also I may have maxed out my medical test for stress and my blood pressure is much higher so this is also kind of at the advice of my doctor... my body is so dramatic lol)

So, where does this leave RM development?
Still 100% happening, just at a slower pace.
This also gives me time work on other projects, like CAS items and my other WIP mods (I've been working on Cybernetix recently and godddd it's so close to being done and I've added some insanely cool stuff to that which I am just so excited about!!)

Sorry this was such a long post, but this wasn't a decision I made lightly and I wanted to make sure you knew that. I really don't want to disappoint anyone with this decision, but I hope the future updates are way more fun to play with because they've had more time and love put into them. 

Anyway, TL;DR:
One month isn't long enough development time for me to make RM updates that aren't rushed trash, so I'm releasing the updates on a much more spread out schedule. I'm still uploading other stuff (including RM patches) every month to make sure you get what you paid for so don't worry about that :)

I hope no one is too disappointed and you understand why I made this decision. 

Stay safe everyone!
Seb <3




Just stay healthy happy and do what you can when you can

Andre Ivey

What is meant by royal connections?


Please take care of yourself. It's better that you don't rush anything than you getting burnt-out.❤️


I've tried modding and got burnt out before even finishing the one simple thing I was trying to do, so you'll get zero guff from me. Deal with that stress so it doesn't get out of hand. Love ya.


Don't fret about how fast updates are completed, the longer they take - the better they will be, that's just the nature of anything really! Burnout is a very serious matter, and it is good to see someone taking it seriously! Do you have any plans to expand upon the ranks of nobility? Currently, all ranks somewhat feel the same, so it could be interesting if a baron had a somewhat different playstyle than a duke or an earl for example. I'm not sure exactly what could be the differences between them, but there is definitely a lot of things that could be done with it imo. Can't wait to see the next updates you have planned! Stay Safe!

Daniel Turner

quality over quantity is always better

Maia Irwin-Rivera

100% health is most important. take care of yourself first


We’re so grateful for you and your work, take your time and make things you’re proud of!💕


Nah, no disappointment here, take your time and look after your health, we love your work and it's always worth the wait =)


Totally understand, take the time you need. Super appreciate the work you do


Take your time so you get it right. That said I cannot wait to see what's next on the path


la santé avant tout, personne n'a à se plaindre de ton travail, c'est toujours merveilleux ce que tu crée il faut savoir attendre ! ^^


Take all the time you need, don’t worry. I’m excited for what’s to come. That being said, I like what you did with the debutante ball. Would it be possible to have more kinds of royal balls in the future? Or just more parties for royalty/nobility in general?

Laura Martinez Barca

es un mod maravilloso nadie puede decir lo contrario fuerza y esperamos con ansia la actualización