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So now that I'm done with uni for a bit I've been working on completing some of my other WIP mods alongside a massive patch for RM.

I've posted before about SURVIVE! here on my tumblr: LINK 

But for a general overview for those who haven't seen it before, this is a mod designed around survival in a world without electricity, running water or help from other sims.
It is meant to add a real level of difficulty when caring for your sims and helping them survive. 

In the past update I mentioned that survivors will find you and ask to join your settlement, where you can assign them to roles to help the entire household survive.
Please read my linked post for to see everything I've already implemented.


Traders & Trading

Traders have been completely reworked and will no longer accept your useless simoleans! Everything you purchase through them will be through a new form of currency, bottlecaps, or caps for short.
You can find these whilst out on scavenging runs and other means around the world.
You can buy everything from fresh fruit and veggies, junk food, natural remedies to meds and more. 

Don't think you can take the easy route and just plant the fruits and veggies you buy off them though, any harvestable bought through a trader will only be edible and not plant-able.
One of the traders will offer seeds on Sunday for a high price, otherwise you'll be left to your own devices to find food to plant. 

Thirst, Dirty Water & Dysentery 

Your sims now need to drink water, or they will die of thirst. But not just any water, they need to source clean water. They can purchase dirty water from a trader or find it out on scavenging runs but too much and they will contract dysentery and die.
Sinks on the lot only supply dirty water until a water purifier is installed, but you need upgrade components to do this. Better get scavenging!


This feature is still in early development but your sims will be able to go rabbithole hunting to find food.
They will need to find a weapon before they can hunt, but once they're back with their kill they can make jerky with a new object interaction. This food won't go bad and will keep your settlement fed for a long time. 

Implemented so far:

  • Other survivors to join your settlement
  • Broken down utilities for your sim to fix
  • Scavenging
  • No electricity or clean water
  • Thirst
  • Dirty Water
  • Trading System
  • Traders
  • Completely Empty world and community lots
  • Underground bunker recognition/safety

To Be Implemented:

  • Hunting and making jerky
  • Car fixing (much like Sims 2 FreeTime)
  • Expand settlement building
  • Broken high tech objects to be fixed and made to look 'post-apocalyptic'
  • Events whilst out scavenging/hunting such as finding a lost child, coming across raiders, ect.

Tomorrow I will start working on fixable cars which can be used to bring more loot back whilst on hunts and scavenging runs! 

As always, I am very open to suggestions on features I can implement :)

(There are much more purchasing options in the other menus and I am continuing to add more!)



I love the idea behind this! Serinion has some great CC that would compliment the mod very well, including some Castaway skinned off-grid objects (i.e. well for water and washing), and recently, a spearfishing object with animations! (Bakies also has a waterfall shower which is pretty cool too). Ultimately this is your mod, so don't feel overwhelmed or obligated; but I would LOVE to see some of the features in this mod adapted for historical living! (For instance, sims living only off of things they can farm/hunt/trade, off-grid focused gameplay, "villages", etc). It would also be really cool to see integration with other packs (dogs used for hunting, cats necessary to manage pests). Anyway, sorry for the block of text, I just got really excited.:)


OMG I joined your patreon back in the fall after you first posted about this mod, I bought eco living during black friday sales, and all this time have been silently biding my time waiting for you to get around to working on this because TBH i don't play Sims AT ALL anymore it sucks so bad. So when I logged into my email this morning and saw your patreon update i screamed out loud lmao


I've been so excited to get working on this mod again, just knew I wouldn't have the brain power during the semester lol! Hopefully I can get this out soon!