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CURRENT RELEASE: https://www.patreon.com/posts/48723623

Hi everyone, this update includes some edited basegame files to control some of the servants autonomy. These edited files might cause conflicts with other mods that also edit these files. Because of this, I have made this update easily removable so if you prefer to keep a different mod for servants then you can have both that and the RM files :) (Most of these files are in the Nanny package file, so just removing that would sort out most conflicts). I have not heard of any conflicts from my testers, but please be aware it is possible! I have included a list of the edited files at the end of this post.


  • Servants have been removed from the 'Royal Residence' lot trait, the phone services, and through clicking on a specific sim to prevent confusion. They can now be called for by self-clicking on any sim with any of the 'royal' or 'noble' traits.
  • I have completely remade their autonomy, meaning they will no longer stand around and do nothing, instead they will do the tasks in line with their jobs and either play chess, socialize or read books when they have nothing to do. (Tried to keep this as era friendly as possible as I know there is a wide variety of eras that RM users play, so this means servants will not use computers, watch TV, play on their phones, ect. They will also not initiate any social where they touch the other sim)
  • You can assign beds to the servants, they will use these when they sleep.
  • Their needs are now optional. They will spawn in with their needs turned on but if you would like them to work 24/7 you are able to turn them off. (Needs like hunger are kept turned off to avoid servants dying of starvation lol)
  • You can force them to sleep, use the bathroom or wash.
  • There are new roles which you can assign the servants to. They will automatically spawn in as the generic servant, but they can be put on gardening duty, nanny duty or cook duty.
  • There is a new servant pie menu which will show up when you click on a servant sim. From here you can access;
    - Servant Management which includes the optional needs, changing their clothes & praising or reprimanding them.
    - Duties, where you can put them on or take them off their assigned roles.
    - Order To, where you can order them to do things such as take care of themselves or do things for you.
  • When assigned to generic servant duty, servants will clean anything dirty, cleanup after sims and do laundry.
  • When assigned to cook duty, you can order the cooks to make group meals, dessert, birthday cake, tea and coffee. (Choice of tea will be randomized & this should work fine with custom tea/coffee sets). Cooks will also auto cook a meal every 2 hours (unless sleeping of course). This should help to feed big castle lots lol (otherwise generic servants will just clean up old, uneaten food). They will also spawn with skills in homestyle cooking, gourmet cooking & baking between the levels of 6 and 10.
  • When assigned to gardener duty, servants will take care of pre-existing plants, plant pre-placed seeds in the plant boxes, vertical gardens and on the ground (for those of you who prefer a curated royal garden) or they will plant their own seeds in empty plant boxes. I have added additional support in my 'Friendlier Flora' mod so servants will also water indoor plants if you have that mod installed too. They will spawn in with skills in gardening between the levels of 6 and 10.
  • When assigned to nanny duty, servants will take care of younger sims, mostly focused on babies and toddlers. They will also do basic clean up tasks.  They will also spawn in with the parenting skill between the levels of 6 and 10.

Other fixes/extras:

  • Added formal shoes to the male and female automatic servant clothing
  • Fixed the 'accept crown' coronation interaction radius, so sims will actually stand in front of the podium when accepting the crown.
  • Fixed the coronation event not being able to be cancelled early.
  • Titles should now take precedence over other in-game headline events.


The strings for this update have been placed in a .package called 'Servants Update Strings' so they are easy to find. There are two different English string tables, as one is the original Royal Residence lot trait string table.

Edited basegame files:










Google Doc containing all past Changelogs

This mod still requires the XML injector & Trait injector. I have included a picture tutorial below on how to install these mods along with how to install the Royalty Mod, along with how to update it.

How to Install the Royalty Mod, XML Injector and the Trait Injector - LINK
How to Customize Titles -
Requires XML Injector - LINK
MAL22 Trait Injector - LINK
Seb's Friendlier Flora -



Thanks for this: "FOR TRANSLATORS". <3

Chandra McDaniel

Hi Seb, I'm getting a BE exception report after putting the new update in my mods folder. It says: There is bad tuning in this mod: \Titles\LN_RM - Monarch Titles.package Delete it from your mods folder or see if the author has an updated version. If it is a multi-package mod make sure you update all of them. Possible Cause (Confidence: 100%) \Titles\LN_RM - Monarch Titles.package Reason [BE Interceptor] BE intercepted this error from a separate mod log so that it can scan for the issue. (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'cancel_user')


Hey, can you send me the actual LE file so I can look at the other info in it? If you want to upload it to a file sharing site and send that link thats fine, or if you want to upload it to the discord, thats cool too :)


I can't wait to update the mod! The Royalty mod is one of my favorites!

David Wells

Hey, I'm getting this same exception. Any idea as to fix?