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Thought I would give an update on the progress of the RM servant remake update, I initially planned to get this out on this past weekend but I had to spend almost 2 days bug fixing lmao, anyway:

- Servants completely removed from lot trait and phone

- Now can be called through a self interaction on monarchs, crown royals, royal partners, illegitimate royals & all nobles

- They will not watch tv/play on phones/play on computer or do annoying stuff like randomly singing or playing instruments

- I finally figured out how to push them to make food after being asked to (general group meals, desserts, birthday cakes and tea or coffee - tea choice is randomized)

- Servants will now do more autonomous things when they have no chores to do such as, play chess, chat with each other, nap & read books.
tried to keep this as era friendly as possible. 

- You're now able to assign them different roles of general servant (focuses on cleaning), nanny (takes cares of the kids), cook (autonomously cooks meals and can be told to prepare food) and gardener (focuses on gardening... obviously lol)

- Voting on the discord looks like it will go towards choosing what motives are locked on servants in game. This means you will be able to choose if they get tired/need to use the toilet/shower/ect. Hunger will be permanently locked though otherwise they will eat the food they prepare for you lol

- Speaking of sleeping, servants will sleep in their assigned beds/rooms

- Have kept things from the old servants such as praising and reprimanding

Other fixes:

- Fixed sim proximity to the crown podium, they will now actually stand in front of it when accepting the crown.

- Bug causing the player not to be able to end the coronation event now seems to have magically disappeared since the update... I'm still keeping an eye on it but everything seems to be okay. 

I do just have a few more things to do for the update which include;
- Finishing the gardener role
- Editing the royals and nobles autonomy so they are less likely to clean up after themselves and make themselves food
- Finishing the optional locked motives      (so close to being done!!)

I think that's all I have to say but please let me know if you have any ideas I can add for servants before release :)

Also, if you're not on discord you can join here: https://discord.com/invite/xhhzCMt

I often update on progress there and hold polls on what should be in the mod


Sandra Santa Marina

Is there a way to make other sims or the servants recognize the Royal status? Like Bowing and other things.......similar to the celebrity recognition.


For sure, I've thought about doing this before but never added it because it could become very annoying very quickly... but I think I might have a way around that. Thanks for the suggestion!

Daniel Martelo

Ya está disponible la versión 2.6.2?

Marion Oliver

I know you're a busy person so don't overwork yourself, just wondering when you are hoping to be done with the update/patch


Hey, it's currently in testing on the discord, if all goes well and there are no bugs, it should be out tonight (within the next 6 hours)!