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Lulu are in the process of overhauling their website.... badly.
(Seriously, WTF is it with all the websites that I depend on? Did the people who maintain them just wake up at the start of April, look at their perfectly functional systems and ask "how can we best f**k AAAALL of this up?")
While I'm sure they'll get back on track eventually, I have no intention of risking new content on their service until it is proven stable.
This will mean putting certain projects on hold.
"Dragon Time", which is very nearly finished, has content that I can't sell directly via Paypal (because cartoon titties make children combust or something).
I'm looking into alternative methods of distribution, but I can't afford to continue work on that until I have somewhere to sell it.
Less overtly pornographic works are going to be the focus of my attention, until all this crap gets sorted out: things like more "Sinclaire Global", other narrative works and transformation sequences.

The totally-not-Aisha-Clan-Clan comic, however, can still go ahead as planned, as that's directly funded by my very kind patrons! Expect pages for that to appear on Tier 2, soon!



Gumroad has been pretty reliable for adult content distribution in my experience. Paypal isn't an option, but I don't mind punching in a card number now and then, especially for the convenience of having it saved to a library i can access anywhere.

Mark Patten

After reading Sinclair Global again for... reasons. I’m hanging on that cliff!


Just use gumroad

Just Add Water

JJ isn't producing growthy porn for us anymore? The end times came quickly for us all.... Sadly I don't have any suggestions for a different distro platform. But I'll poke around to some of my friends who sell their adult stuff as well. See if they have any leads for ya.


You could try itch.io


Have you considered itch.io? A couple artists I follow are using it for their stores.

Otaku Twenty-Four Seven

I have used gumroad myself but only insofar as content that was provided free as they were pdf distribution from Kickstarters. I would guess I would also be happy to use card details to purchase but only if they bill in local currency as a fellow Brit I hate the charges that get incurred every time I buy in non-sterling currency. One of the reasons I prefer PayPal as they at least convert it for you and I don't mind their making some on the conversion rate because it's usually less than the charge fees from my credit card company


Have you considered gumroad?


Even if this problem continues for an extended duration: there will still be growthy stuff :D


From what I understand: any works sold through itch.io would have to follow the content guidelines of whichever payment service was being used, so I may as well stick with the existing channel I'm using to sell directly through Paypal.


Totally-not-Aisha prevails! Though I hope you stuff gets proper sorted soon

The Artificer

Yeah, it's not even letting me log in.


You have to reset your password to get in. There's not much point, though, as there's very little you can do once you're in.


Here's hoping they get their s**t together, soon. Is it possible to set up your own site, with credit card billing for purchases?


It'd be a complicated, expensive endeavour for me to set something like that up, and maintain it. That's why I use services like Lulu; so I can focus on generating CONTENT.

James Dougell

I hope it gets resolved! Thankfully even if the site totally blows up, I've downloaded every single apsara of yours even from before the first time they screwed with the site. Hang in there!


I'm so over all these websites just deciding, hey instead of just improving what works, lets blow up the whole website and start over. And also this weird puritanical anti-porn/adult/whatever we're calling it crusade by so many of these websites when that's a huge part of the reason they got profitable in the first place.


Then what do the people with no credit cards do? Pretty sure Gumroad only lets you pay with Paypal if you have a credit card linked to your account.

Robert Williams

Yep, reset my password, got in, saw all my purchases and ... “download?!? What do you mean download? What is this download of which you speak?”


At first I thought you where talking about Lulu from FFX


I would recommend Gumroad

Classical Salamander

"because cartoon titties make children combust or something"... if this were true you'd be tied with the Trinity Project and Heelies for 'most children inhumed'! :D


Hey JJ, I'm a fellow creator in this area, have you looked into Itch.io? We host our comics there, very good site, you get to choose the split you give to the site as well (you can even set it to 0%), pretty much the best place to host this stuff. They let you curate and customize your store too. They host games and comics, have been using them as our distribution platform for years, they also allow a pretty broad adult content and will promote your stuff on their front page if it sells well. We make a visual novel and have an anthro dragon tf comic for sale and they pretty consistently trend on their front page. It's similar to steam for indie games and comics, your content would definitely be allowed there. They support timed dispersal to paypal or direct transactions. Previously we had used both lulu and ejunkies, itch blows both of them away.


Perhaps something like a separate Patreon or tier for Apsara comics only? If you have one release per month, you could charge-up-front, which gets them that month's comic. If people want to support you can get every release, they simply remain pledged after that month's release. It'd be no good for people trying to buy older releases though, so you'd still need a separate solution for that. But for people like me who wouldn't mind just subscribing and getting a steady trickle of releases, that might work?


A possible solution, but that would really tie me to a release schedule. It sometimes takes longer than a month to get an Apsara comic finished.


Gumroad maybe? seems to be the go to place for artists that wanna sell individual pieces *ah ic other ppl already recommended that*


So... Just tried to log on to Lulu and redownload Dragon Wine, which I purchased not long ago. And my account's been nuked out of existence.