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Hey everyone!

As many of you know, I work 3 days a week in an office job as well as youtube 7 days a week.

Its been a lot of work, but its work I have been eager to do and I've loved every second of it.

Today it was confirmed that the department I work for is closing as of September 30th.

This is no surprise, our service was funded for a specific reason and that reason is no longer a factor, so this job was never going to be permanent (don't feel like I'm suddenly losing a job, this was all disclosed when I was hired)

As we near the end of September I may be asked to work additional hours since most of our staff will likely be moving onto other jobs. I will be taking that opportunity, knowing that i can work 5 days a week and put some money aside for a couple of weeks or a month feels like the right thing to do.

This might have some kind of impact on my upload schedule during this weeks.

BUT the good news is as of October 1st I will be spending the remainder of the year trying to make youtube feel financially secure enough to do full time, this was always the goal and the dream and 4 years feels like I'm making pretty decent time on that goal.

This means more movies, more tv shows, live streams and who knows what else.

The schedule of 1 movie a week, 4 tv shows a week may end up looking very different (for the better)

So there may be a little bit of a roller-coaster in the coming months, but once we're past September it will be full steam ahead with reactions and youtube.

I pride myself on being honest and transparent with my supporters and if anyone has questions about this feel free to comment or DM me and I'm happy to discuss :)



Alex P

Good luck, hope it works out!