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Found in a field Prize Task, Make a body part abnormally long Task, Breadstick Melon Task, Self Serenade Task, Slide the Taskmaster a Drink Live Task



Megan Roy

Also to note re Katie’s replacements…is that even the replacement fits into the chair line lineup alphabetically. Eg they wouldn’t have had Sarah Pascoe to cover cause she would have to sit at the end but technically could of had gotten Rome’s in but their energy is completely different hence why they have chosen the ppl they did. The consistency is fantastic.

Emma Samuel

They gave an interview talking about the weird things people discover about themselves by being on the show (e.g Noel Fielding hadn't realised just how competitive he was) and Alex said 'David Baddiel leaned over to me at one point and said "I am actually smart. I've written books!"' so I think even he was surprised at some of his actions.