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Combines best parts of both colors, and yes, my right and left sides of that huge fluffy tail are interactable tiles too!

Clearly inspired by Changed game, thanks for gifting me it for new years~
Im like five years late to the party, yet i'll leave my goopy mark with few shameless selfinserts, and maybe more then ^^''
~~Going to post it in historical order, so that sequence would be later~~

Comes with some background thoughts:

ㅤㅤㅤIn my head canon, as a gel creature of different species initially, after transfur I would be able to mate with both white and dark latex creatures (and hell I'll do that a lot!), mixing traits and animal genes alike until everyone could shapeshift into whatever they'd like to be. Probably helping them with that need for a host body at the same time, replacing that with a diet of sugary fruits and high-protein seed of various wild beasts~

ㅤㅤㅤSince there is a huge library there, in my spare time I could teach other "samples" to read and write, if they want to become a little more civilized. I think that putting the laboratories in order will not pose a problem, as latex creatures can move through ventilation system instead of blocked doors and do not require rubber gloves to repair electrical cables. I've seen a lot of computers there, and drawing supplies scattered around too, in case I got tired of painting the walls with my body fluids.

ㅤㅤㅤLast by not least, those flooded rooms and huge artificial pools. Did you know that combining the latex creature body with air tanks you've seen in the lab would make a wonderful living inflatable toy? No more slow walks in shallow water when you can just float on the surface or even in the air! We should start a whole new department about ~~playing and squeaking~~ ~~setting new traps~~ researching that.

ㅤㅤㅤAfter a little reorganization, when everyone's needs for friends, food, entertainment and recreation are satisfied-to be honest, there is no reason to leave the laboratory at all, I would stay there forever, among my diverse lovers, countless offspring, and all the creatures of the same kind as myself~



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