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Hi guys, this text is slightly extensive and probably written with horrible grammar, so thanks to those who take the time to read it <3

Artists from latino communities on Facebook and Twitter have been talking lately about the changing patreon rules and how these rules affect them negatively. >mostly nsfw artists<. Some artists have had to leave patreon after their accounts were banned for inappropriate content here, and others say they were banned despite following the rules... I don't know what to think about that; whatever the reason, it seems that fanarts and raffles are on the borderline of patreon policies. I'm not quite sure how good or how bad patreon rules are, but I'm considering sending to you the content to you by email if necessary in the future and retiring all explicit images from posts.

Another thing that keeps my attention: the continuous denunciations made by a lot of justice warriors on Twitter towards nsfw and specifically "Lo" artists; well, I have done a few jobs like this in the past, it is likely that someday I will be lynched on social networks for those few jobs, anyway I have decided to remove those images (the few that I have shared) from social networks including pixiv, I am not in favor of sexual violence of any kind and I don't want to experience an annoying situation like that in the future, I understand and agree that sexual exploitation at any level is not okay, I consider it truly depreciable. I also understand that fictional characters despite their fictional nature in some way foment the problem, so I think the best thing is if I do not accept more works of that style, I even think about removing those works from some collection of images that I will share in the future.

That is why from now on any fictional character who appears to be younger than she should be, will be "modified" a bit both in proportion and in my own style; I'll respect and keep the rules that say that I will not draw characters under any type of physical or psychological torture or in any type of situation in which the character is forced to do something he does not want to do.

That's all for now, I hope you understand my posture and keep supporting my work! <3

—Thanks for reading, have a nice day! :D 




I hope you don't end up banned. I really enjoy your content.

Black Shiro

Es muy injusta la situación que viven algún artistas por culpa de esos prejuicios... Haz lo que veas necesario, pero siempre disfruta con lo que haces que es lo más importante. Yo te seguiré apoyando 😊


Mucho texto Bueno no, segun lo que entendi patreon anda molestando a los artistas nsfw, lo de enviar dicho contenido por correo puede ser una opcion, o subir dichas imagenes a una carpeta de google drive y enviar el enlace a los patreons como hacen muchos artistas de ese tipo de contenido


Adónde vayas te seguimos. Mi patrocinio sigue de una u otra forma