Vote poll time! (Patreon)
It has been some time since I have done a “Special Week,” and it has been even more time since I have done a vote poll. So I was thinking in doing both for next week. :D
But rather than do a short comic I was thinking in doing drawings. What drawings you may ask? Well, whatever you guys want to see! I will only set the prompt of the week: “The Fetish Week” where you guys give me ideas on what fetish I should draw, I put those fetishes on a vote poll and the 3 most voted fetishes will get done in a drawing.
So what are the rules?
You can write your fetishes/kinky ideas here in this post or you can send them to my email: You have until Friday 28 of April to send your fetishes. Oh, and please only put concrete fetishes, as they will be a single drawing and not a comic/sequence (don't be hyper detailed, a few words are just enough!). Then from Friday 28 to Sunday 30 of April I will put the votepoll with the ideas and you all can vote. On Sunday 30, at night, the 3 most voted ideas will get made into drawings and uploaded in the Patreon during the week.
You are free to put any kind of idea that you would like, can be vore or not vore, vanilla sex, bestiality, foot fetish, inflation, anything! As most of you already know, I am a very open minded person when it comes to drawings, though I have my limits too; if you don’t see your idea on the vote poll is because that is something I don’t feel comfortable or confident drawing.
So with that said, fire away your ideas, and can’t wait to read with what you guys come up with, I don't judge! :D Let your wildest fetishes come true under my pencil!
Stay tuned for more updates this week!
(If you are missing any comic pages, let me know, so I can send them over to you)
Stay great!