Next F/F Comic (Patreon)
Hey Hey Hey!!!
What's up people? I hope you are all staying safe! Let me try to make this as short as possible so I can get back to drawing pages (because we all like that, of course, and we want more pages to be sure....I am doing it again, writing more than I should. xD)
Anyhow. So I was thinking on what to do for the next F/F comic when the current one is done... and then it happened to me, the Elder God came to me and said "let the people choose....or at least participate in it!" and I was like "Nice, thanks Elder God"
So then I thought of an idea. That you guys tell me what series you want to be the next comic as well as the couple for it. That way we can all be a part of this. So this is how it's going to work, these are DA RULES:
- Only one suggestion per member.
- They must be made as a comment on THIS POST (no DMs or e-mails will be considered)
- The suggestion must be in this format: the name of the anime/game/cartoon/franchise + the couple's name. Example: Legend of Zelda Zelda x Impa
- The suggestion period will be starting from this moment until next Saturday (June 11).
Don't add any story, plot or anything, that part is up to me to surprise you all. After a week, all suggestions here will be put in a vote poll for everyone to vote on. You will be able to vote for multiple options there, and among the top 3 most voted ones, I will choose the next comic.
So that's about it. Let's see what suggestions come!