Super Important Info (Patreon)
Well its that time again, end of month. During this first week of December Patreon always mix up my list of patrons, so I can't have the full list until after day 5 of December. So I will not be able to sent updates until after that day, really does suck, but my email list get all mix up with the ones payment has gone through and those that have not.
Now I still plan to upload post during the weeks with what you guys will get, so have no fear there and you will see that I will be working this way too. I am really sorry about this, but it just all get mix up. Promise I will sent all updates of this week after day 5.
Now on to other news! I have a new proyect in mind, a proyect I will start to upload on December. For this new proyect I will open the slots of TIER 2 again ($2.00 per month) so all those of TIER 2 and of course higher TEIRS will be able to see this. This new proyect will be update 1 or maybe 2 times a month, it will be eitheir a drawing or a 1 comic page, depending on the situation....
Oh right the story, Well basictly it will foucs around one of my OC as it get's to a village, what is in this village you ask? Well that is up to you guys. Yep, you guys will choose who is eaten in this comic, it can be a famous character from a movie, anime, cartoon, videogames or it can even be your own OC. I will explain in more details one I upload the first part, but after that I will ask all my patrons "what character should be eaten?" you guys will leave comments with ideas and then I will put those ideas to vote, the most voted one will be the ones eaten in this new proyect, now all this is base on the same story, so the predator is going to keep getting bigger and bigger. XD
Ok that's it for now guys (hope I explain it right, but any doubt you can leave a comment here or message me!), as always thanks for your awesome support on my work and I will keep bringnig you updates and drawings, comics and even new proyects!
Now back to drawing! :D