Votepoll F/F: Camping with You (Patreon)
Greetings to all!
So...Now that page 15 of "Camiping with you" has been sent, I am not 100% sure how to continue this part of the story, I mean I am like 49.99999999999% sure, but since that is not higher than 50% it is to risky. xD
Ok ok now, I'll be serious. So, at this point of the story there are two things that I thought could happen: one path could be doing some sexy time with the girls and then get to the vore, then the other path is to just go right into the vore. For me both paths are good, but then I thought: "Hey, why don't I let the super awesome people here to choose what they would like?"
So this votepoll is for that. What path should "Camping with you" go?
Vote here, only 1 option you can vote for, of course.