Male/Male: MBF Part 2 page 17 (Patreon)
2018-06-06 22:25:07
2018-06-06 22:25:31
Greetings to all!
Time for an update on the next page of MBF part 2. To tell the true and not sure why....I think I over did it in this page. Don't know, just a feeling. xD
I hope you guys like it and have been enjoying this comic so far.
This page was sent to all TIER 15 MALE/MALE patrons and TIER 20.
The next update I will sent is the FEMALE/FEMALE TIER.
(PS: The TIER 15 updates are all sent by emails, this is because there are two TIER 15. please sent me a message in case you need the pages of any comic)
Stay great!