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First of all I'd like to thank everyone who commented on the last post and voiced their concerns regarding dA. I will take the issues you mentioned into account before making a final decision.

Now, here's the two biggest reasons that make me want to leave this site:

1) The subscription model is broken when it comes to long term exclusive content. This site is great for content creators who offer time-based benefits such as early access to pictures. However, it all breaks apart when you try to use it as exclusive content platform for a longer time. While true supporters like you all pay for this exclusive content month for month, there will always be people who just drop by once every year to get a year's worth of pictures for the price of one month. That's incredibly unfair to true supporters, obviously. dA, however, comes with features that help prevent this unfair treatment.

2) The fee and currency conversion policy is hard to understand and puts an unnecessary burden on both Patrons and Creators. When I made my first and only level, I set the price to 3 EUR (cause I am located in Europe).
Patreon converted the 3 EUR to 4 USD for US Patrons (although 3 EUR are only about 3,60 USD). Then Patreon slaps the VAT and Patron-Fees on top of that. At my end, Patreon of course also takes some fees, leaving me with approximately 2,55 EUR (3,02 USD).
I don't mind having to pay fees if the platform I am using offers reliable transaction handling and the fee for Creators here is pretty low. However, I am disgusted about how Patrons are milked for their money, especially if they use a different currency. Compare that to dA, where I can set the actual price I want people to pay and simultaneously calculate my exact earnings because dA simply takes 20%. That's pretty high but on the other hand I never had a single rejected payment on dA while Patreon has rejected two people's payments after only one month.



Sorry to hear all this. Hmm… I don’t know if Subscribestar or Onlyfans could present a better alternative to be honest, or maybe even DA.


Subscribestar is out of the picture because they don't offer PayPal as payment option. OnlyFans - forced by the major two credit card providers because they made the exact same stupid mistakes as pornhub - has announced to ban "sexually explicit content", so I think I would stand on thin ice there. So, it all comes down to Patreon versus dA and since all of my patrons come from dA, the transition would be easier than jumping to another subscription site.


I would say wait, DA has a track record that has left many burned or flat out jumping ship. This seems to be their tactic to bring people back, but I would wait it out alittle bit to see how it unfolds & if they actually turn a new leaf. Only Fans also reversed its decision so there is that. This place has flaws, but honestly most do, almost any place has this same issue, be it here, subscribestar, pixiv fanbox.


Yeah, dA has certainly earned it's shady reputation. I already decided against OnlyFans because of their more than questionable business ethics and besides they do not offer that much more than Patreon for digital artists. Subscribestar doesn't offer PayPal and pixiv users have reported that although they offer PayPal, the payments get declined regularly.