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Hi guys! Thank you for for all of your continued support throughout the month of January! As you saw the past month was rather devoid of art and updates as well as the usual base. Work at the shop had turned rather busy and I had been neglecting updates here...

Good news is I DO have lots of content to post for you all which I'll be uploading intermittently and carving out time this month to create new content for you guys. To make up for the lack of activity I'd love to do a tutorial on a subject that might be beneficial to you guys. 

What would you like to see / learn about?



I'm always interested in seeing the processes behind drawing/designing hair, fur, and feathers, but also shading and lighting tutorials always fascinate me! Especially those that focus on specific lighting or materials or how to pick shading colors, etc.


I agree with anatomy studies! One specific thing I've been struggling with is placing muzzles consistently and figuring out what parts of the face should be occluded especially in the ol' three quarters view.


Im forever impressed by your ability to draw character interactions! I struggle w/ having more than one character in a piece in a way that doesn’t look awkward


Also - POSING! I struggle heavily with posing characters