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So, first off - I'm going to say outright that (at least for the time being) I've given up on trying to program in a living inventory that's both functional and seducable. I hate to say it, but making a functional inventory system in twine is too big a doozy for me (and I've been lost in the weeds, forever, trying to do all of Vent's dialogue. I'm still hopeful that I'll find a way to use it, with minor edits, in the future... but not with her as an inventory system.)

That said, once I removed that, I was left with the *other* thing I worked on a while back - updating the UI.

I've moved the game to my new website, as well, so you can play it here:  http://princesskay.net/Dungeon%20Damsel

I'm hoping to have more content, soon, as well - returning to the water world I abandoned to work on Vent.

I'll be making the next update public immediately, just because it's been *so damn long* - but future updates are likely to spend at least a week or two as patreon exclusives.


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