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I really hope you enjoy this chapter of The Roommate - it marks us starting into the end game territory, though there's still going to be a bit left to go. Don't want to spoil things, but things might start to change after this one.


PS: If you're in the $3 tier, or higher, and you like this story - please consider voting in the poll I'm holding, if you haven't. It'll do a lot to determine how things go in the next chapter and beyond, all the way to the finish.



hmmm i want to know the details, like how long is daniel's penis is, like size~~~~ (tbh its kinda confusing for now because it says daniel is lean-muscle type but in here is muscle-muscle type? if that is the case then daniel should have a ton of protein shake and loads of white meat/ chicken breast in his diet?) other than this tiny detail, i think i like this chapter, though i like last chapter more because more erotic content


Glad you're enjoying, at least overall! I'd say he's pretty lean, but he did have some muscles from working out - and now he. Has less.