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So I'm back at work (and temporarily without a laptop - don't worry, I still have a computer to work with, it just limits where I can work.) I'm planning to have a chapter of the Roommate out tonight or tomorrow.

I'm also turning Gendered into a book (one I hope to maybe publish one day???? So wish me luck).



Good to hear from you again. For your idea of getting Gendered published. I say do it. Publishing work does more then earn you a bit more money it encourages you to write and improve. Your writing is already above the quality requirements, you have unique and interesting ideas for your stories, what you fail at is actually focusing on one story. For where to publish I do not have much advise. Both Don Ship and Philo hunter have similar experiences. They state that the majority of their income comes from Amazon kindle unlimited deals. Amazon is a huge publishes so their work is sought out. Amazon however is also very strict on what can be published and has an unfortunate habit of blaming writers for piracy. Smashwords is the next bug publisher, they are more flexible on what can be published but this is also a bad thing. You would be one among hundred of thousands of authors. They also take more of a cut than Amazon. Make sure you don’t skimp on the cover art, when someone is browsing new readers the cover art is the first thing the eye is drawn too even before the synopsis. It needs to both explain the theme of your story and entertain all while being PG safe.


Thanks! I'm not sure what to do with publishing it - I need to finish it first - but. It's going to be a long book, I hope. And unlike most of the work I do, it'll be relatively PG. The reason being that I want it to reach as many people as possible. It's a story about gender and sexuality (hence the working title) set to a fantasy tale, and I want it to be available for anyone who needs it. Of course, I need to work on stuff for Patreon at the same time, so it's doing nothing to help my story focus - but I've been working on this story in one form or another since I was 13. It's important to me. (I also want to finish the roommate, and some of the other stories I started, so that I can write longer and more developed works.)


I’m looking forward to the roommate!