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So I know it's not the update everyone's been begging for (I just posted a chapter of the roommate) - but I just couldn't resist updating Dungeon Damsel, now that it's got official art in one of its endings.

This update finishes the left path, and brings the game up to what will be the MAIN content. There are 36 endings, total, and multiple ways to reach the end content.

I sincerely hope you enjoy. (This particular update is getting simultaneously released, because it's been so long - future updates will be coming to Patreon first)


Dungeon Damsel

Dungeon Damsel Written by Princess Kay Warning: This is a game filled with "bad" endings - some of them truly demeaning, but most of them simply rewriting your old life completely. There is a chance of returning to your original mind and body, though it might be a while before I implement it.



Is it possible to get the key yet? I've only played around an hour or so and there are lots of cool bits to this. This is a really cool idea. The only thing I would say to add would be actual puzzles the person has to solve is some areas. You should consider selling this at a premium when it's done.


I'd rather keep it free, and gather support as I make more and more games. But this has been my baby for a while so we'll see. You can't actually get the key yet - it'll be a little while until that's implemented. And it'll open up some interesting ends depending on your form. I don't want to make getting the key too hard, but I also don't want to make it so easy it's the first thing you do, you know?


Awesome. I was wondering if I missed it because I managed to get to the end with a few different t firms but I wasn't sure. Keep it up that was really cool.