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The long awaited update (judging by your votes). I'm trying to do this one SOMEWHAT realistically, so the story is a little slow, but I hope you enjoy.



(No title)



I am enjoying the build up. The slow suggestions and all the planning Rebecca has in the works. Her inner thoughts are fantastic from musing that something might jump her in the dark to being grateful to not see Daniels naked body. She comes across as insane a more subtle version than Mary, shes so possessive of Daniel that she never considers his thoughts as she plans to alter him into an attractive women she can be with. I’m most curious just how she will turn Daniel.


I was worried I went too slow in this one, so I'm really happy you enjoyed. I want to stick to a realistic pace, but i also want to show everyone a good time in the story.


Aw poor Daniel became Danielle? He’s kinda cool kinda wish he was turned gay and rescued by someone rather than becoming a female :)


so when is the next chapter~~ im excited


Hopefully not too long! This one took me a while, but now I know there's more interest in it.