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Hi guys :) 

I haven't been in touch for a while but I want to let you know that I'm always at work. I'll update you on what I've done, am doing and will do in the coming weeks. 

Over the past few weeks I've been working with the dev to create the game I have in mind. Here you can find a video and a "demo"

We have still created very little, that is, only part of the UI, the main menu, and unfortunately we are still having problems correctly implementing parts of my animations on Unity. We managed to get the hands to be placed correctly on the hips with one click but we managed to do it after many attempts (I don't think the problem is the dev but the plugin that allows you to use my animations on Unity)... this makes me hope badly for the future of the game because I thought-hoped it could be less complicated and time consuming :/ If it continues like this I'll have to work on it only as a side project. 

As I worked with the dev to figure out how to make the game and as my awareness that it wouldn't be very quick and easy increased, I thought about going back to creating animations for the time being which is perhaps the best thing to do and so I worked on this illustration I posted above. I'm thinking of also creating this animation with more characters like the previous one... Makima, Mikasa and others I'll show you later. 

Ps. This weekend I will complete the final edit of D.Va and I will share it with you at the latest on Sunday.




Indeed, developing games requires a lot of effort and time😫.No two line combat, no results.


We need this animation, god tier Hentai