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Hey everyone.

There is another problem today. The Zelda animation file got corrupted and I can't continue anymore. It had become very slow for this reason it was taking me longer but now it freezes and doesn't let me finish the animation... I tried to restart from a backup version saved yesterday but the same problem reoccurs... so I have to to quit the job.😔 

I'm sorry guys. Things are going badly. Yor has brought a few new supporters and 60 of you had "I'm in" in the poll regarding Yor's customized audio but now only 3 have subscribed to tier 3. In short, the situation has degenerated and my growth is not taking off.. So I've decided.. I'm closing everything because I can't go on with these earnings. Makima will be the last animation I work on because I promised it by now. Those of you who want to continue supporting me in this last period are welcome. Anyone who doesn't want to thank him anyway.

Heartfelt thanks to all those who have been with me since the early days and who are still here. Thanks to all those who have given more than others with personalized donations, you have given me more confidence for the future of this world. Thanks to all those who with messages and comments have tried to support me even morally. Thank you all. 

I hope I managed to make you have a good time with my animations. I hope to be able to do it one more time with Makima.



I was thinking, this may not be a very profitable main source of income, but why not simply use it as a side project, for instance why not set up a monetary goal where in order for you release a project you have to reach a certain amount of revenue, or something to that effect.


Like a Kickstarter campaign?! It could be a solution. I'll think about it.. thanks for the idea.