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Hey guys

You don't care much about this I know.. but I'll show you to make you understand a few things and let you know that from next month there will be some changes about it.

The first part of the video cost 25 Va male + 40 VA female, the second part of the video 60 VA female + Va male still hasn't written me the cost of the second part but I already know that it will be around 50 + the editor of the sounds for all work on Yor 160. (I pay a little more because Yor's video is longer because it's usually 100)

So.. 25+40+60+50+160=335 + Zelda's voices (female only) and sounds (discounted because similar to Yor's) (I guess everything will be around 100) + Japanese version voices (I guess it will be around 100 for Yor and Zelda) + translation of lines from English to Japanese (15)

335+100+100+15=550 ... 550 euros just for the sounds. (not counting Mitsuri and Shinobu's 5 minutes of ASMR which cost me 200)

I'm earning an average of 1200 euros per month (gross) so this is no longer good. The first few months I invested out of my own pocket because I thought I would have scraped together many more patrons and much faster and I thought so because I knew I was producing good quality videos.. but it didn't go like this, my numbers are good but not very as good as I imagined. (I'm producing a little less than the average I know .. and yes things grow over time it's true)

So from next month the videos will only have the voice of the Japanese voice actress (which costs less and is good), without sounds.

If my numbers go up then I'll go back to paying 300-400 euros for sounds.

A downgrade of the quality of my productions, however, I do it reluctantly.

I hope you guys are not sorry and above all that you are not tired of all my stressful news... and I hope you still want to continue supporting me.

Ps. If some financially well off kind heart wants to support me more now is the time to do it. You can use my paypal. me link (paypal.me/SunFanArt) or donate with a personalized contribution here on patreon.

Thanks again to all you to be here.



Joshua Riggin

I upped to the higher tier. I know it's not much but it's what I can afford right now


Since characters are from anime I dont think its a big deal to do only female japanese audio; the english audio was good because of the option we had to change lines but if it only meant you earned less money and made things more difficul I also think we can be happy without it. Only sad thing is there wont be sounds


Yes it is true, sounds are indeed important. I'll try to find a solution for the sounds.