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This month I would like to ask you to help me find a couple of opening lines of dialogue between Yor and Loid before they start fulfilling their "marital obligations"... because I'm a little in doubt about how to do them and because I want them to be done in the best way possible.

I had something like this in mind. If you think that's too much dialogue and you prefer action over words, write to me. (Although I could actually create a cut version without dialogue).

Yor: Agh.. Loid stop! What are you doing! We didn't agree on this in our prenuptial agreement....

Loid: We talked about this yesterday Yor. We have to do it or your brother will find out our secret.

Yor: But we were drunk and laughing and I thought you were saying that as a joke.

Loid: Do you want your brother to find out? Do you want our deal to be blown Yor?

Yor: ... No, I don't want it to happen ... Alright let's do it though...be gentle.... I am a virgin

Loid: ... 😲😳🤤🤤🤤


Do you like it or do you have suggestions? Please write in the comments




"anya is sleeping,dont be too rough or she'll find out"🤭😂(jk)


For a funny reference move " I am a virgin" to the first line, so its "Agh.. Loid stop! don't do this I am a virgin, didn't we agree on this in our prenuptial agreement" Play it straight of course but it would be really funny to people who understand "don't do this I am a virgin" and where its from.


LAF bro, sorry but I don't understand well because it should be more fun.. Either you didn't explain yourself very clearly or it must be a pun that I don't understand because I'm perhaps from a different culture or.. I 'don't know.. However, if others find it interesting, they can like your comment and I take in consideration this change. Sorry😞


Put into google 'don't do this I am a virgin'. Its a line from a porno that was memed a few years ago for how ridiculous the scenario is.

Steven Gonzalez

Whatever you decide to do, I know I’m gonna enjoy the video!!😄👍

Steven Gonzalez

Are you kidding, after seeing your other previous work, your art style and animations are just godlike! Keep up the amazing work.😊👍


Unrelated to your current work but I hope the next time you do an Snk animation or a poll for an Snk animation the options are restricted to the other female characters like Historia, Rico, Ymir, or Mina.


It could also be used as a setup for later lines when yor is moaning out loud and... Loid: "didnt you said to keep it quiet" Yor: "shut up and keep pounding" or something like that


Good idea! I knew you would come up with some interesting lines as always.👍


If you could make sex alternate between vaginal and anal it would be a dream and it also opens some great dialogue oportunities


If Annie were on the poll i suspect her to win, which is why I listed those 4.


Okay I'll take care of the dilemma.. I'll do multiple characters at once like I did with Shinobu-Mitsuri and Mikasa-Pieck.


*after a couple of rounds of normal sex Loid pushes the tip of his dick against Yor's ass without penetreting her Yor:"Agh.. Loid! What are you doing! We didn't agree on this in our prenuptial...." Loid:"Sorry Yor, but Im changing the agreement...and your ass has become top priority" " Yor: "Wait Loid! Ive never done anything like this! Its not going to fit! My ass is too tight!...Aaahhhh!"


If I will do the anal I will use just this Yor: "Wait Loid! Ive never done anything like this! Its not going to fit! My ass is too tight!...Aaahhhh!"


And before alternating Yor could say something like: "anal feels so good that my pussy is getting jelous from the fucking my asshole is receiving... please make my pussy feel good again!


Yep, just trying to give you ideas but as always will trust and support your final choice


Thank you Eduardo :) but I think the lines are enough. I would just need a closing line.


Unfortunately I can't help 😅 I had ideas but they are already presented it here 😅😅😅😅😅


Well in your own way you are helping me because you are confirming that the lines are okay for you too👍


I know that ✨✨✨ I'm proud to support a creator like you! Maybe next time I can help with something ✨✨✨

B money

If anal is an option yor could be like "I've never done this, but if it's with you, no, I mean-"it goes in so she doesn't finish the sentence. During anal she could be like "i actually like it" "more more more" "my asshole is yours" At the end/anal creampie she could be like "this wasn't so bad, maybe we could do anal again soon?" In a cutesy/sexy way. Or "I really enjoyed it *wink* and end it with a kiss while cum leaks from her holes

B money

Seperate from the animaton but maybe cleanup blow job illustrations? Like she gives him a blowjob/sucks to clean him up.