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Hey guys :)

I need you guys to give me an opinion and I will ask you with a poll.

My doubt is about the final super speed that I am thinking of using. I like it however I realize that it is a bit fast and it seems like Flash is the one who is fucking her so I would like you guys to tell me if this is ok or is it better to slow it down a bit.



B money

For final it's kinda fine. But like, about to bust type speed. But a little slower at the beginning then this speed maybe? Maybe slow just a teeny bit.

B money

Love the recoil I wanna bu- *ahem* finish inside


The rate is increasing and this is the fastest rate before the ejaculatory slowdown. Yes, better to slow down a bit, also because maybe there could also be a problem with the sounds that might sound bad at this speed.


I think the super speed is great but maybe the gif doesnt help to really appreciate it becasue the change from fast to super speed happens so quick and early it is difficult to compare, at first I love it but the more the gif repeats the more I think the speed should be lowered but I think that is a visual effect that wouldnt happen in the final video


maybe you don't need to go too fast (like flash) because it might cause the camera shake effect (don't know what it's called) like in the gif that feels a little weird when you watch it

B money

Exactly. For funsies I need to see the absolute fastest it could go. Maybe separate gif/file. For science.


A little too fast. idk kind of like the fact that she getting absolutely railed, it's something different for the better.


Yes it is true... in fact I see the whole sequence in crescendo of speed and the effect is a little better (I like it) than this last piece I showed you in the gif. However I'm going to slow it down a bit.


Yes, I like it for that reason too.... I'm going to slow it down a little bit and look for another slightly different solution.