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I am a little late :/ but the new animation is progressing well.

There is some bad news about the game.

The dev of the game last week had given up on continuing in the creation so I had to find another one. However, the game will be delayed for various reasons.....Because I'm thinking of changing the operation of the buttons and the concept of speed change. I think I do this because with the sound editor I discussed more thoroughly about sounds and their creation and he warned me that as I plan to create the playback transition from one to another, from one speed to another, the sound will be quite mediocre. So I'm thinking about possibly switching-removing the speed change and making a single playback track, without passing from one speed to another, and where the player can only decide which one of three interlude audio-video tracks with the VA lines to insert by clicking on the blue buttons (or red)... But this hasn't been decided yet and it's possible that I won't decide to make this change... because I want to think carefully first and maybe do some audio tests to try and find a solution to the audio problem... So.. the game will be delayed :/ and perhaps rethought in order to ensure a good (more or less) end result.🤞

I apologize for these delays guys but things good takes care and time.... Thank you again for your patience, your words of encouragement and always for your support.🙏






From what I understand you want to transition between speeds at any time, but instead of that why not choosing some specific points you could change speed and work it as part of the game? kind of like a quick time event were if you missed the timming you need to wait for next time and Mikasa gets angry before resuming segs? or being able to change speed only until you fill a stamina bar?


Your drawings and animations are getting better and better all the time. it seems like you're always improving and taking the next step to make sure your work is the best it can be👍