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Hey guys :)

I want to take the time to study making hentai games to turn my videos into something like a game. I have already found and studied a little software that is simple to understand and use. I've also already seen that on YT there are several tutorials that will help me to be able to create just what I have in mind (which is something simple anyway)... So..

..From today the tiers will cost half and my production times will be halved. This is because I want to study and come back to you in a couple of months with a product that will help you appreciate my video creations to the fullest.

I therefore ask you to downgrade because you will receive my creations more rarely. (1 animation every 2 month)

I ask all those who donate to other creators and unsubscribe from my patron commenting that I produce little to compare my creations to those of others and reflect on the quality I offer. If, on the other hand, you think that the cost of the tiers is still high, just donate less, that is, instead of donating every month of the year, just donate 6 months, or 3 or 2, or leave without commenting anything. (If you knew how much time I dedicate to this project, since I'm also a newbie in this, you would pay me more for the effort I put in)

To those who comment that they don't like my creations, I ask: Why the fuck did you subscribe? Thanks anyway to all of you for being here.



It sounds like a lot of job and very complicated so I wish you good luck and I will be awaiting the results


From what I've read so far, it seems promising and you got my support to try and learn how to make this kind of game. God I hope one of the speeds is really intense, fast and rough (even more intense than the Mikasa speed variant)...maybe with a ahegao/fucked silly expressions, the possibilities are endless 🤤. Guess I gotta get good at rhythm games now.