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Hey guys :)

Sometimes the VA and the SFX editor are so busy and the delivery of the work is delayed. The day before yesterday the VA delivered the audio to me while yesterday the SFX editor told me that he also has too much work to do before mine😓 ... it could take maybe even a week he told me. However, the audio from the VA is amazing. I created a version of the video without the sounds just VA moanings and uploaded it to Dropbox so if any of you can't resist anymore and want to watch it without the sounds you can do so by clicking on this link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pkicvxwtsd4gncc3zdaz2/new-scene_1.mp4?rlkey=lsbicnodxi4ueatpyfdof5a9x&dl=0

As for the game, we still need a few days to perfect everything because other ideas have come to mind. The game will be temporarily without sound because we want to wait until all the interactions are finished so we know well how they connect to each other and then task the VA with working on it, so that we don't risk having her do the job again... anyway , it's not long now.

I'm sure it will be worth waiting a little longer... you know that I'm someone who is never 100% satisfied and so when I say I'm sure... it's because I know it's a good job. Of course it's not really a game and it doesn't have the entertaining characteristics of a real video game it will rather be something like an interactive animation but for its genre the final result will be very good. The idea of the game has changed, actually it's changed a bit but I'll tell you about it later.

As always, thank you so much for your support and patience.



Patience is a virtue after all, we wait till the bitter end 🫡💯

Bru (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 01:00:51 A delayed product can take long to be good, but a rushed product is forever bad. Take your time. Excellent job on this animation too. Don’t be too hard on yourself tho (I know. Easier said than done. I’m the same way)
2024-04-14 02:19:03 A delayed product can take long to be good, but a rushed product is forever bad. Take your time. Excellent job on this animation too. Don’t be too hard on yourself tho (I know. Easier said than done. I’m the same way)

A delayed product can take long to be good, but a rushed product is forever bad. Take your time. Excellent job on this animation too. Don’t be too hard on yourself tho (I know. Easier said than done. I’m the same way)