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Be sure to check out the holiday renders for $3+ Patrons and Subscribers released earlier today if you haven't already! Fans voted on Alexis, Ashley, and Natalie to be featured in this year's holiday renders. Monica came in a close fourth place, so we did a bonus render for her as well!

Since the the last dev log, Josselyn finished writing the last lewd scene (Delia) and one of the shorter story scenes. Only three small scenes remain to be written, and should be finished before the next dev log. Right now the total word count for the update is 58K words. The update is likely going to be around ~60-65K words, which is similar to Chapter 3 (~55K words) and Chapter 2 (which was ~60K words split into two updates).

Renders for the Natalie scene are almost complete and the current render count for the update is 1,583. Here are some previews from that scene!

The renders for both the Sophie and Natalie scenes have taken longer than usual to render. It seems to be something about their bedroom environment (both scenes use the same one). Because we can't work on posing new renders while existing renders are processing, these scenes have been slow going. They also have required lots of posing (with multiple positions throughout the scene) which always slows things down.

Next week, Josselyn should be able to start on the renders for the Delia scene and after that there will only be one more lewd scene to make renders for (Monica). While the renders for a non-lewd scene can usually be posed in a day or two, most lewd scenes this update have taken multiple weeks because of how much posing there is and how many unique renders there are.  And this update has a lot of lewd scenes, more than any previous update!

TheOmega has been busy working on prepping A Shot in the Dark for Steam release and posing animations for the Paloma scene. Prince of Suburbia will likely be leaving Early Access on Steam before the end of the year, which is earlier than we anticipated. With that out of the way, he'll be able to dedicate a lot more attention on A Shot in the Dark.

By our next dev log, we'll have released A Shot in the Dark - Chapter 3 on Steam! We will have at least one more announcement before then about pricing changes needed in order to comply with Steam rules. We are still thinking about the simplest way to handle it to keep things easy and fair for everyone, so we'll post an official announcement once we've decided.

Make sure to wishlist A Shot in the Dark if you haven't already, and tell your friends!




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