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We've started a podcast! It's something we've wanted to do for many years, so we finally pulled the trigger and started.

Why a podcast? We love to shoot the shit about adult games over coffee every morning. And there's a lot of things that we want to share with the world, that we just don't have the time or desire to write down in a dev log. Basically, the goal of this podcast is to record the types of conversations we are already having, and let you be a fly on the wall to hear them!

We will not let this hobby project slow down game development. We plan to keep episodes quick (30 min. max), record them in one sitting, and quickly edit them using Veed.io.

Our intention is not for this to be a polished, professional thing that we can monetize. Instead we hope it's a fun, casual way that we can mix things up and connect with the community in a way that is really fun for us.

For now, we will be releasing episodes every week since we already have a few "in the can." After that, we'll see how it goes!

This week is a short, introductory episode:

We're going to take you on a journey behind the scenes as a married couple who create adult games for a living. In each episode, we'll dive into your most burning questions and give you an inside look into our daily lives as adult game developers and the adult game industry as a whole. Now LET'S GET SEEDY!

The next two episodes (already recorded) will answer these questions:

  • Episode 1: What's it like working with your spouse all day? (12 min.)
  • Episode 2: How did you get into the adult game industry? (20 min.)

All 3 episodes have already been released to $3+ Patrons & Subscribers! Access them here: Super Secret Post for Patrons & Subscribers Only!

Follow us on Patreon, SubscribeStar or YouTube to be alerted to new episodes when they release to the general public!

We need your questions for future episodes!

What else do you want to know about us, our games, the development process, or the industry overall?

Ask us anything!

You can also download the MP3 version! (attached)


What are we even doing? [Seedy AF Ep0]

In our new podcast, we're going to take you on a journey behind the scenes as a married couple who create adult games for a living. In each episode, we'll dive into your most burning questions and give you an inside look into our daily lives as adult game developers and the adult game industry as a whole. What questions do you have for us? Let us know in the comments!



Thanks again for that most interesting podcast. Here are a few random questions: 1. Do you still find the time to play AVNs yourself? If so, has the way you play them changed since you started creating them yourself? I.e. are you still able to enjoy them the way you used to, or do you analyze them all the time and look at how certain things are done, etc.? 2. Which aspect of development work do you enjoy the most, and which the least? 3. The Patreon policy changes were very drastic for a certain type of AVN, GOG and Steam block adult games for whole countries, Itch currently seems to be on its way to becoming a hostile environment for adult games, music licensing is still often incompatible with adult content, and the situation with payment processors doesn't seem to be getting any better. Every time I read about things like this, I feel like the world is moving backward in time instead of forward. How do you deal with all those obstacles thrown in your way? 4. What are your favorite AVNs besides A Shot in the Dark and Prince of Suburbia? 5. Different people are looking for very different things in AVNs. How do you deal with peoples' diverse, sometimes conflicting, desires when deciding what kind of game to develop? Do you just follow your vision, or do you try to please as many people as possible, if so, how?


All great questions! Thank you! Definitely all things we talk about regularly and can discuss in future episodes. :)