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Chapter One: The Horror in Clay.

Okay, so not Dracula. My apologies if you were looking forward to that.

I sat down this morning ready to read and record it, but then I encountered the horror that is the sentence structure of a Victorian Dutchman - or at least Bram Stoker's rendition of how such sentence structure works. I've no doubt it's spot on, but I realised today that it's something that's going to need some serious practise before I can record it for real.

So instead, in order to get something out this Content Wednesday, I've recorded the first chapter of a story that I often get asked for: The Call of Cthulhu by HP Lovecraft.  

This doesn't mean an abandonment of Dracula, it's just on hiatus for one episode and will resume very soon. And Cthulhu will run alongside it ... somehow. Win-win!




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