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Hello Patrons! I'm afraid this week has been a bit of a struggle, and all due to our new (and slightly exasperating) house. It's a 1930s build with a 1970s extension built on to it. So the plumbing and wiring is half 1930s and half 1970s. The decor (layers of painted-over wallpaper) is all 1970s. 

Over the course of the last week, we've had plasterers, electricians, a plumber and a guy to install a wood-burning stove. My wife now has a full-time job, so the go-to guy to help the tradesmen has to be me. We're still not living in the house (as you can imagine), so I have to go to it and let the fellows in, and then I'm at their beck and call, either being in the house or trekking back and forth whenever they need me. Consequently I've not been able to get much done on UFU 17 (or anything else other than the house). However - good news is, the plastering is done, the electrical stuff is done, the stove is in, and the plumbing work should finish today. We still need to do some decorating, but Pauline is going to do that with a few chums over the weekend, so I can be free to work on UFU 17.

I know some people will say, "Why can't you release UFU 17 in its first draft?" The answer to which is - and I quote Stephen King here: "The first draft of everything is sh*t." And we can't argue with Mr King, now can we? I'm optimistic that a few solid days run at the first draft should give me a finished version that I can get recording ASAP, and so be on course for the 2 episodes a month that I like to aim for.

The plumber just rang me. He's on his way now. I have to go.

Thank you for your patience, Patrons. As always, it will be rewarded :-)

~ Mike


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